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To obtain quality dried fruit, fresh prunes are used with large, fleshy, dark-colored fruits of the Stanley variety, without mechanical damage, stains and duplicates, cleaned of stalks and leaves. Prunes are dried to obtain a fruit with the following qualities: Their appearance is fleshy and the fruits are approximately the same size, with a thin skin, whole, shiny. The outer color is evenly black, the flesh: golden yellow to light brown. The taste is sweet to sweet and sour, a pronounced smell of prunes, without side taste and odor.
We use large and healthy walnuts. The nut is easily separated from the shell and has very good taste.
Pancakes, waffles, packaged snacks, trail mixes, chocolate or yogurt panning, energy bars, muffins, breads, ready-to-eat cereals, muesli, salads, sauces , etc.
Plums are a rich source of Vitamin A, dietary fiber, potassium and honey. Dried plums are low in fat, sodium and cholesterol.
Maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function.
Soluble fiber in plums normalizes blood sugar levels.
Soluble fiber in plums also increases insulin sensitivity and may therefore play a supporting role in the prevention and treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
Plums are well known for their ability to prevent constipation, reduce the risk of colon cancer and hemorrhoids.
Insoluble fiber in plums helps lower cholesterol.
The variety of minerals that walnuts contain makes them an excellent tool that supports the nervous system, regulates the contractions of the heart muscle and ensures the conduction of nerve signals in various tissues and organs. The minerals in walnuts are important for the normal functioning of the coagulation system (coagulation system) and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
Walnuts have a low glycemic index. This index shows the rate at which sugar extracted from food enters the bloodstream. Low glycemic index products provide a slow rise and fall in blood sugar, which helps maintain its stable values.
Numerous scientific studies have shown that products containing omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduce the risk of vision loss in the elderly. According to some experts, the inclusion of walnuts in the daily menu can slow down the development of age-related macular degeneration.