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Home NUTS AND FLOUR FROM THEM White beans Egypt, 400 g

White beans Egypt, 400 g

Price: 1.99лв.
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The bean is a plant of the legume family, brought to Europe from South America during the Great Geographical Discoveries. It is a winding plant with fruits in the form of pods (peppers or beans) that contain its replacement. Depending on the pod, color and taste of the seeds, there are many and varied varieties.



Beans are a versatile product. It can be a main component of dishes, an ingredient in salads, soups, filling for baked goods, for desserts, etc.



Beans are the best source of vegetable protein (up to 40%), which is an ideal substitute for meat. They also contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which helps to cleanse and normalize the intestines. The systematic use of beans reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and makes the hair thick and shiny. Bean flour mixed with wheat or rye improves the taste of buns and bread.

Beans have a very high nutritional value, as they are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It also contains many B and C vitamins.