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Bulgur, 400 g

Price: 1.99лв.
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Bulgur is a cereal crop that is very common in eastern countries. It is most often used to prepare garnishes for meat, vegetable and fish dishes. In fact, it is whole grain cracked wheat that has previously been steamed and dried. It stores all the beneficial properties of the wheat grain.



If you want to enjoy the healthy culture, you can easily include it in your daily menu. It adapts to different dishes and can successfully replace rice, and you can even serve bulgur as a breakfast. If you love Arabic cuisine but can't find the couscous popular in these regions, you can easily use bulgur, you will achieve the same good results with the dish.



Regular consumption of bulgur has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, for which vitamins of group B are the most important and basic "food". The large amount of mineral salts is so for restoring the metabolism, makes the skin and hair "more alive". The color of the face acquires a healthy hue, the hair becomes more shiny and grows better. The product is easily absorbed by the body, it is processed perfectly, it is often used in the menu of athletes. It is especially useful for people who are subjected to heavy physical exertion. Adequate fiber intake takes care of the heart, helping metabolic processes. Fiber lowers bad cholesterol, thus promoting overall body health. Compared to refined carbohydrates, which are very harmful, bulgur and whole grains are associated with reduced blood sugar spikes. Some studies show that thanks to whole grains, we can improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin.