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Home FLOUR Rye flour, whole grain, 400 g

Rye flour, whole grain, 400 g

Price: 1.99лв.
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High-quality rye flour grown in fields in the Danube Plain.The stone mill slowly grinds the rye grains without heating them, preserving as much as possible all the useful ingredients. When grinding the grain on a stone mill, it comes into contact only with natural materials - the stones, which are made of the same elements as the soil. In this process, the grain makes contact once more with the substances and minerals on which it was nourished in order to grow.



Suitable for any whole grain nalsada - from country bread and small loaves, to healthy pancakes, delicious muffins and cookies. Suitable for preparing all kinds of dietary baked goods, bread, sweets and other pasta products. Ideal for general use.



Rye flour is rich in substances useful for human health:

Minerals: phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron; vitamins: from group B (thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, folic and nicotinic acids), vitamin E and A; valuable amino acids: lysine, niacin and others.

Compared to wheat flour, rye has more active enzymes that break down starch compounds. This explains the low glycemic index. Also, the rye product is less prone to gluten formation. Thanks to these properties, rye flour is included in the list of the most useful products for making baked goods, along with oat, rice and buckwheat flour.

Regular use of coarsely ground rye grain flour contributes to: controlling body weight; removal of toxins; increase in hemoglobin in the blood; improving hemoglobin; prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems; strengthen immunity; improving digestion; the fight against anemia.