Pine nuts have a crunchy texture and a huge amount of useful fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Pine nuts are added to the preparation of dishes of various meats, fish, pasta or vegetables. Nuts are also the finish of many salads.
In addition to salads, cedar nuts go very well with saffron rice and some sauces. They are a fundamental ingredient in the original recipe of the Italian Pesto sauce.
However, cedar nuts are also widely used in confectionery. Baked and ground cedar nuts are used to make traditional Italian biscuits, chocolate specialties and some varieties of syrupy pastries.
Pine nuts are an excellent source of B vitamins, contain the macronutrients potassium, calcium, magnesium. They have a high content of iron and manganese. Reduce bad cholesterol levels. Due to the abundance of antioxidants, pine nuts slow down the aging process of the body. The high content of lutein, which is very important against eye congestion, protects our vision and prevents the development of eye diseases. They support bone health, lower blood pressure and protect the body from harmful free radicals.