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Packaged snacks, trail mixes, chocolate or yogurt panning, energy bars, muffins, breads, ready-to-eat cereals, muesli, salads, sauces , etc
Apples increase immunity, reduce cholesterol and the risk of atherosclerosis, protect against colds, health problems in the lungs and stomach. The peel of dried apples contains almost all vitamins.
Plums maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function; Against sclerosis, heart attack, type 2 diabetes; constipation, cancer; against weight gain; lower cholesterol levels; help against heart disease and cardiovascular disease, etc.
Black cherries help reduce inflammation and relieve pain from arthritis and gout. Dried black cherries have a high content of antioxidants that slow down the aging process. Reduces the risk of diabetes and insulin syndrome. They also help with heart disease and metabolic syndrome.